What is a multi-academy trust (MAT)?
A multi-academy trust (MAT) is a charitable company established to be responsible for several academies. Each academy remains a separate school with its own local governing body, but governors are responsible to a Board of Trustees established for the Trust as a whole.
Trustees are accountable to the Secretary of State for Education for the educational and financial performance of all the Trust’s schools and maintain a central team of staff to ensure that schools improve and meet the government’s expectations.
What are the benefits of becoming part of a multi-academy trust?
There are lots of views and opinions about multi-academy trusts. Supporters say that multi-academy trusts allow schools some additional freedoms, for example, helping stronger collaborations to form between groups of like-minded schools, as well as providing enhanced access to professional development opportunities. This family approach helps each school to get stronger.
What will this mean for my child’s education?
Being part of a multi-academy trust will provide greater opportunities for school staff to work together to share and develop best practices so that we can continue to improve teaching and learning in all schools - but you and your child are unlikely to see any visible difference day-to-day.
Schools will still have the same name, the same uniform, the same admissions arrangements, the same leaders and staff – and, most importantly, the same pupils.
Who will appoint local governing bodies?
Local governing bodies will continue to reflect the character of the school. They will include elected parents and the Headteacher. Other governors will be appointed by the Trustees in partnership with each local governing body. They will continue to involve members of the local community as much as possible, whilst ensuring an appropriate range of skills.
Will admissions arrangements change?
In short, no.
When would this happen?
If this were to proceed, then it is likely to take most/all of the academic year to complete all the paperwork. We would still work with the Trust throughout all of this, but it is not a quick process.
What will all this cost – and how is it paid for?
There will be some costs to support the school through this proposed change, but there is potentially a grant from the Government to help cover those costs. For example, if we go ahead, we will need to appoint lawyers to deal with changing the agreements with the Secretary of State and the land and contract transfers.
Is Infinity a good home for our school?
We think so! All Infinity Academies Trust schools have strong improvement outcomes.
They are in very good financial health and they have a team of people who can help us with all the things we need to improve our school even further.
Doesn’t this mean a major change to the way our school is run?
No! The Trust is committed to working with its schools and supporting them to improve. Staff will continue in the post on transfer and all pupils will remain on roll.
Term dates, school times, uniforms and admissions arrangements will not change. We recognise that information widely available on the internet and social media identifies a different approach in some other cases when schools have become academies.
Will joining a MAT make our school less accountable to our community?
This is something that we have considered in depth. Different Trusts operate in different ways, and we have been careful to ensure that we are working with a Trust that has:
Will any staff leave if we are joining a Trust?
We hope not. A major drive is to provide better CPD (continuing professional development) and enhanced career opportunities for all of our staff. Moving into a MAT will also not mean any change to the staff’s terms and conditions. Staff would officially be employed by a multi-academy trust, but their existing employment rights would move across under the TUPE rules and thus be protected.
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